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Author's Name: LuA Barnes
Title: "George R. Tunison 'Bobby'"

George R Tunison “Bobby”
September 24, 1945-October 28, 1968
1LT. Army White Hall, Ill. Greene County

President Monroe gave land grants to farmers in Greene and Calhoun Counties in Illinois. The Tunison family of White Hall , Illinois received a land grant. Extending to Apple Creek, the land grant was huge. Over the years, some land has been sold and it is not as large today. Ennis and Francis Tunison were Mary Frances, Ruth, and a son whose sobriquet was Bobby’s parents. Bobby was the much loved “baby” of the family and the only son. All had farm jobs to fulfill. The Tunison Family was extraordinary in loving, giving and a blessing to the community. They were very civic minded.

Bobby attended the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, but decided to quit to go home and help his father farm. He was drafted and sent Viet Nam where he was shot and died. His body was brought home to lie in state at White Hall United Methodist Church , his church of childhood and youth. His casket was placed at the altar. The church was packed to over flowing for his funeral and then his body was taken to the White Hall Cemetery where he buried on the hill along is with his ancestors. His father Ennis could not come to church for a year or more as when he came he was reminded of Bobby in the casket by the altar. It was overwhelming At Christmas, an Elf comes to White Hall United Methodist Church after the Christmas program. The Elf, dressed in green, hands out snacks filled with oranges, candy, and nuts for all the church members. Enis and Francis provided the full bags. Ennis was the Christmas Elf. In 1968, the sacks came but not the heart-broken Elf. A parent’s most terrible loss is the death of a child as we all know. Bobby Tunison’s death was devastating! From President Monroe to Viet Nam, the Tunison line thrived. Viet Nam killed the Tunison line when Bobby Tunison died. Whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s.